Thursday, March 19, 2020
Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of Mary
Dear Parishioners,
Beginning Friday, March 20, 2020, Bishop Coyne has suspended celebration of all public Masses and services throughout the Vermont until April 15, 2020. This difficult decision was made after consulting with the Priests of the Diocese and in response to the requests of public officials and health experts. As your pastor, I would like to inform you of the following here at our parish:
The Church will be open 7 days a week from 8am-12noon for private prayer and devotion before the Blessed Sacrament. Please visit the statue of the Blessed Mother, pray Pope Francis’ prayer invoking her intercession for the end of this pandemic, and note the Magnificat candle burning for this intention.
On Sunday, please take time as a household to pray together. Read and reflect on the readings of the day, watch the Mass and discuss the readings and homily together. If you live alone, call a Mass buddy to share with them. For those with internet access, Bishop Coyne will be live-streaming Sunday Mass at 10am on the Diocesan website: Also, check out for some fun and creative ways to keep Sunday HOLY in your home!
Confessions are available by appointment only. Please contact Fr. Joseph or I by email or by calling the rectory. If you or someone you know needs the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact us immediately.
Fr. Joseph and I will be offering a private Mass each day for the scheduled daily intentions.
As your pastor, I am asking every parishioner to pray a rosary every day for the end of this pandemic. If you cannot say an entire rosary, please pray one decade of the rosary or at least a “Hail, Holy Queen.”
The Parish office will be open 8am-12noon Monday-Friday. Please call with any questions or concerns.
Understanding COVID-19 is impacting our economy, please - as you are able - continue to financially support the parish. You may mail your offering to the office, or you may wish to open a secure, online PayPal account and go ‘green’ with your donations as I have. On our website, click the ‘DONATE’ tab and fill out your information or open a PayPal account. Your continued generosity is greatly appreciated.
Our Church has been through difficult times before, and together with Jesus and Mary, we will see our way through this one. Do not be afraid, “…for nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord.” Please be assured of Fr. Joseph’s and my daily prayers for you!